Key Difference – Attempt vs Try
Although attempt and try can be used as synonyms in many contexts, there is a difference between attempt and try in usage. The key difference between attempt and try is their level of formality; attempt is used in formal contexts whereas try is used in informal contexts.Â
What does Attempt Mean?
Attempt can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a verb, attempt means to make an effort to achieve or complete something, typically something difficult. The noun attempt refers to the effort to achieve or complete a difficult task. Attempt is often associated with an unsuccessful effort. You can understand the meaning of this word more clearly by observing the following example sentences.
He attempted to leave the country several times.
You may not be able to achieve success on your first attempt, but you have to keep on trying.
He attempted to climb the mountain Everest.
Pierre attempted to read the book in one sitting.
She failed the English test on the first attempt, but she succeeded on her second attempt.
It is important to note that attempt is often used in formal contexts. In addition, the verb attempt is often followed by an object, gerund or an infinitive; it cannot occur at the end of a sentence.
He attempted to ride the motor bicycle on sand.
What does Try Mean?
Try can also be used as a noun and a verb. The verb try has a similar meaning to attempt; it means to make an effort to achieve something. In addition, try can also refer to use, test, or do something new or different) in order to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant. Attempt does not have this meaning. For example,
I tried to call him, but his number was not working. – I attempted to call him, but his number was not working.
He tried to write a novel. – He attempted to write a novel.
Why don’t you try this dish? – Why don’t you attempt this dish?
Try can also be used at the end of a sentence, without any direct reference to the action. Moreover, try is mainly used in informal contexts.
I’m not sure I can do it, but I’ll try.
I’ll try again later.
When we are comparing attempt and try, it is important to note that attempt cannot be used in the above style. It is always used with direct reference to the action.
I’ll attempt again later. I’ll attempt it again later.
The noun try is also similar to the noun attempt; it refers to an effort to accomplish something. However, try is used in more informal contexts whereas attempt is used in formal contexts.
I will give it a try.
I wanted another try at it.
Why don’t you try it with some source?
What is the difference between Attempt and Try?
Definition of Verb:
Attempt means to make an effort to achieve or complete something difficult.
Try means to make an effort to achieve something.
Definition of Noun:
Attempt is the effort to achieve or complete a difficult task.
Try is an effort to accomplish something.
Alternative Meaning:
Try may refer to effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.
Attempt does not have the above meaning.
Attempt is used in formal contexts.
Try is used in informal contexts.
Attempt is always followed by an object.
Try is not always followed by an object.