Difference Between Carnality & Spirituality

Carnality vs Spirituality

Carnality and spirituality represent two distinct types of living, with differing connotations and ways of life. Carnality relates to the desire for flesh and physical relationships, while spirituality focuses on the pursuit of liberation. Many religions deem carnality sinful, while spirituality is often admired in individuals. This article aims to compare these two concepts and provide a clear understanding of each.

What is Carnality?

Carnality refers to the desire for flesh and physical relationships, often associated with sin as it does not please the gods. Carnal pleasures are typically linked to the female body and sexual pleasure. Some followers of carnality believe it is a path to reach God, seeing the divine in physical relationships. The fundamental principle of carnality is trust in the visible. It demands alternatives, as opposed to spirituality, which takes commands and heeds ultimatums. The Greek term for carnal, “sarkinos,” means “pertaining to the flesh or made of flesh,” and a carnal individual is controlled or dominated by their base appetites.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality goes beyond the physical realm, leading to a higher state of spiritual attainment where one does not return to the mortal world. Society can be divided into two categories: the carnal, who desire sexual living, and the spiritual, who do not. Spirituality thrives on exactness, while carnality survives on excitement. Spirituality is principle-oriented and focused on serving God and humanity, as many saints believe that service to humanity equates to service to the divine. The core principle of spirituality is trust in an invisible God. Followers of carnality live in fear, while followers of spirituality live by hearing.

Key Takeaways

  • Carnality refers to the desire for flesh and physical relationships, while spirituality focuses on the pursuit of liberation.
  • Spirituality leads to a higher state of spiritual attainment and service to God and humanity, while carnality is often associated with sin and base appetites.
  • Followers of carnality live in fear, while followers of spirituality live by hearing and trusting in an invisible God.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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