Cult vs Occult
Have you ever considered the distinction between “cult” and “occult”? While these terms may sound similar, they have different meanings. Cults are typically associated with religious beliefs, while the occult involves practices believed to be supernatural. Most communities contain cultic groups that may also have occult practices. In both cases, the groups involved maintain specific attitudes that characterize their lifestyles, which usually differ from others. Now, let’s examine the terms “cult” and “occult,” along with their differences, in more detail.
What does Cult mean?
The term “cult” can function as both a noun and an adjective. It refers to a group of people with belief systems that deviate from socially accepted religious beliefs. In certain communities, cultic groups may be viewed as deviants who oppose established social norms. Cults are often small in size and are considered extreme in their beliefs, with little chance of changing. Cult leaders are usually single individuals with authority over their followers. Many people perceive cults as groups that falsely pursue an imagined faith and as misleading community agents because they do not align with established belief systems.
Apart from its religious usage, “cult” can also describe a way of life or attitude that becomes popular in a society. For example, the phrase “the cult of instant food” means that using instant food has become a trend in a particular community.
What does Occult mean?
The term “occult” refers to connections with supernatural or magical powers that cannot be explained by science or reason. Either a group of people or a single individual may practice the occult, using mysterious power elements that ordinary people cannot comprehend. Occult practitioners believe they possess magical powers that can be used to achieve certain goals. Examples of occult practices include witchcraft, fortune-telling, and talking with the dead. Crystal balls, horoscopes, and star signs are some tools commonly used in occult practices. However, the occult always deals with supernatural or demonic powers.
Key Takeaways
- Cults are associated with religious beliefs, whereas the occult involves supernatural practices.
- Cultic groups may engage in occult practices, but not all cults practice the occult.
- The term “cult” can function as both a noun and an adjective, while “occult” functions as an adjective.