Difference between Evaluation & Conclusion

Evaluation vs Conclusion

When receiving a laboratory test report for the diagnosis of a disease, it often contains both a conclusion and an evaluation. A conclusion is the ending part of an essay or speech, while an evaluation also comes at the end of a paper or essay, which can cause confusion for readers in understanding the differences between the two. This article aims to highlight these differences to help writers correctly compose these sections.


Various definitions exist for evaluation, but one that best describes its meaning in a concise way is that it is a systematic assessment of an object’s worth or merit. The primary purpose of evaluation is to judge and form an opinion about something. It examines what went wrong or what went well and, if something is wrong, it tries to highlight the causes and what could have been done to improve the situation. When conducted by an expert or authority on a subject, an evaluation has great value and significance for others, as it provides useful feedback about an object. Evaluation has a judgmental aspect, serving as an appraisal of a scheme, welfare program, theory, policy, medication, treatment procedure, or the performance of an individual or government. It involves enumerating the good and bad points of a subject and discussing its reliability and efficiency.


A conclusion always comes at the end of a document, summarizing what has been discovered. It wraps up an essay or speech by briefly highlighting the main points once again. In a live performance, the conclusion is often the most challenging part, as the artist must reach a crescendo to make the performance memorable and leave the audience spellbound and mesmerized. The conclusion is often the part that the audience remembers. In literature or prose, the conclusion is like gathering all the pieces together one last time and describing them in an appealing way.

Writing a conclusion can be the most difficult part for some writers, as they may feel they have nothing left to say after writing the paper. However, since the conclusion is what remains in the readers’ memories, a writer does well to save the best for last to create the greatest impact on the readers.

Key Takeaways

  • A conclusion creates a lasting impression on the reader and makes an essay complete, stressing the importance of the thesis one last time.
  • Evaluation involves judging an essay in such a way that its merit or worth is highlighted.
  • While a conclusion is meant to highlight the importance or worth of a paper, an evaluation focuses on what went wrong and what could have been done to improve upon it.
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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