Difference Between Marriage & Civil Partnership

Marriage vs Civil Partnership

Marriage and civil partnership are both legal arrangements that provide couples with similar rights. However, there are some key differences between the two.


Marriage is a long-standing social institution that allows couples to enter into a union and live together as spouses. It is often considered sacred and has both religious and legal significance. In many cultures, marriage is seen as a duty and has various social and sexual expectations.

Civil Partnership (Civil Union)

Civil partnership, on the other hand, is a legal arrangement that allows couples of the same sex to enter into a union. It was first recognized in Denmark in 1995 and has since been accepted in many other countries. While civil partnership provides the same legal rights as marriage, it is not recognized by religious institutions and does not have any religious elements.

Differences Between Marriage and Civil Partnership

1. Religious Backing: Marriage is often based on religious beliefs and has the support of religious institutions. Civil partnership, however, is not backed by religion and does not involve any religious ceremonies.

2. Venue: A marriage ceremony can be performed in a church or any other religious setting. In contrast, a civil partnership ceremony cannot take place in a religious setting and does not have any religious references.

3. Legal Rights: Both marriage and civil partnership offer similar legal rights in areas such as finances, inheritance, pensions, life insurance, and maintenance.

4. Ceremony: In a marriage, couples exchange spoken vows and promises. In a civil partnership, there are no spoken words, and the event is completed with the signing of the legal agreement by both partners.

Overall, while marriage and civil partnership have some differences, they both provide couples with legal recognition and rights in their relationship.


1. Marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is considered sacred in many cultures, with religious, social, and legal significance.
2. Civil partnership, also known as civil union, is a legal arrangement that recognizes and legalizes the bond between couples of the same sex, providing them with the same rights as a traditional marriage.
3. While civil partnership shares many similarities with marriage in terms of legal rights and responsibilities, it is not backed by religion and does not have any religious components or ceremonies involved.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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