Difference Between Mood Disorders & Personality Disorders

Mood Disorders vs Personality Disorders

Many people are unable to differentiate between mood disorders and personality disorders. A mood refers to an individual’s state of mind, while personality encompasses the combination of factors that make a person who he or she is, including feelings, thoughts, and actions. With this understanding, it is important to define mood disorders and personality disorders. Mood disorders are psychological conditions that cause severe mood changes in a person, while personality disorders involve behaviors and thoughts of a person that contradict the cultural expectations of their society. Both mood and personality disorders include various types of disorders. This article will explore the differences between mood and personality disorders.

What are Mood Disorders?

Although everyone experiences mood fluctuations in life, these cannot be considered mood disorders. Mood disorders are psychological conditions that result in severe mood changes in individuals. These can be characterized by elation, where a person feels extremely happy and ecstatic, or by lowering, where a person feels hopeless. Some of the mood disorders include:

– Depression
– Bipolar disorder
– Dysthymic disorder
– Cyclothymic disorder

Depression is a common mood disorder in which an individual experiences fatigue, hopelessness, recurrent suicidal thoughts, and disinterest in daily activities. Bipolar disorder involves periods of depression and elation, during which the individual feels hopeless or invincible, respectively. Dysthymia is a milder version of major depressive disorder that lasts for a long period but is less severe. Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder that often goes unnoticed.

Mood disorders can be caused by genetic, social, psychological, and biological factors. To treat individuals suffering from mood disorders, various medications can be used, as well as counseling and different types of therapies such as cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy.

What are Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders involve behaviors and thoughts of an individual that go against the cultural expectations of their society. They are more constant than mood disorders. According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, there are ten personality disorders:

– Paranoid personality disorder
– Schizoid personality disorder
– Schizotypal personality disorder
– Antisocial personality disorder
– Borderline personality disorder
– Histrionic personality disorder
– Narcissistic personality disorder
– Avoidant personality disorder
– Dependent personality disorder
– Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

These disorders fall into three main types:

Type A Personality Disorder: These personalities are considered odd by others.
– Paranoid personality disorder
– Schizoid personality disorder
– Schizotypal personality disorder

Type B Personality Disorder: These personalities have difficulty regulating emotions, which may come across as dramatic.
– Antisocial personality disorder
– Borderline personality disorder
– Histrionic personality disorder
– Narcissistic personality disorder

Type C Personality Disorder: Fear and anxiety dominate these personalities.
– Avoidant personality disorder
– Dependent personality disorder
– Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Personality disorders affect how an individual interacts with others, as well as their emotional experiences and coping methods. Psychologists believe that psychotherapy is more suitable for personality disorders than medication.

Key Takeaways

  • Mood disorders are psychological conditions that cause severe mood changes in individuals, while personality disorders involve behaviors and thoughts that contradict cultural expectations.
  • Mood disorders primarily relate to an individual’s moods, while personality disorders relate to their personality.
  • Personality disorders are more stable and constant than mood disorders and often involve more difficulty in interacting with others.
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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