Difference Between Pure & Applied Research

Key Takeaways

  • Pure research is conducted without a specific goal in mind, while applied research is conducted with the aim of solving a problem.
  • Pure research is exploratory in nature, whereas applied research is descriptive in nature.
  • Applied research is based on the theories, principals discovered through pure research.

Research can be classified into different categories such as qualitative and quantitative, and pure and applied. While qualitative and quantitative classifications are based on the type of data and methods used, pure and applied classifications are based on the goal of the research. Thus, the key difference between pure and applied research depends on their goal; pure research is conducted without a specific goal in mind, whereas applied research is conducted with the aim of solving a problem.

What is Pure Research?

Pure research, also known as fundamental or basic research, is conducted without any specific goal in mind. The main aim of pure research is to advance knowledge and to identify or explain the relationship between variables. Thus, it advances fundamental knowledge about the world, and introduces new theories, ideas, and principals as well as new ways of thinking. Pure research is the source of most new information and ways of thinking in the world.
Pure research is driven by curiosity, intuition, and interest, and is more exploratory in nature than applied research. Sometimes pure research can act as a foundation for applied research.

What is Applied Research?

Applied research, unlike pure research, is conducted in order to solve a specific and practical problem. Therefore, it tends to be descriptive in nature. However, applied research is often based on basic research or pure research. Since it is involved in solving practical problems, it often includes empirical methods.
Applied research is used in a variety of fields such as medicine, technology, education, or agriculture. Studying the relationship between genetics and cancer, observing the behavior of children to identify the effectiveness of various interventions are some examples of applied research studies. Such studies always have a specific goal. Moreover, the results of applied research are usually intended for present use, not for future. It is also important to note that applied research studies are always based on the information or theories discovered through basic research.

What is the difference between Pure and Applied Research?

Pure vs Applied Research:

  • Pure research is conducted without any specific goal.
  • Applied research is conducted with a specific goal in mind.


  • The main aim of pure research is to advance knowledge.
  • The main aim of applied research is to solve a specific and practical problem.


  • Pure research is exploratory in nature.
  • Applied research is descriptive in nature.

Theories and Principals:

  • Pure research identifies new ideas, theories, principals, and new ways of thinking.
  • Applied research is based on the theories, principals discovered through pure research.


  • Findings of pure research usually have a future use, not a current use.
  • Findings of applied research always have a current use.

Summary – Pure vs Applied Research

The difference between pure and applied research depends on the goal of the research. Pure research, also known as basic research, has no specific goal, but it advances the knowledge and contributes to the generation of new theories, principals, and ways of thinking. Applied research, on the other hand, aims to solve a specific and practical problem. Applied research is also based on the findings of pure research.

Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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