Difference Between Soul & Body

Soul vs Body

The Soul and Body are often considered to be one and the same, but there are philosophical differences between them in terms of their nature. The Soul is indestructible, while the Body is destructible. However, they are very much bound together, as a Soul needs a place to stay, which is a body. When a body dies or is harmed, the Soul moves away and finds another body. Many religions, such as Christianity and Hinduism, believe in this concept of the Soul and attribute great value to it.

Key Takeaways

  • Body refers to the physical structure made of flesh, bones, and blood, which is tangible, mortal, and can be destroyed.
  • Soul is the spiritual part of a human being, which is intangible, immortal, and cannot be destroyed.
  • While the body is not subjected to transmigration, the Soul is subject to transmigration, moving from one body to another upon death.

What is Body?

A body is the physical structure of a human being, consisting of different parts such as head, neck, trunk, arms, legs, hands, and feet. A body is tangible and can be burned by fire, blown away by wind, wet by water, or cut into pieces by a weapon. A body is not eternal or permanent, as it slowly decays over time and eventually dies. Once a body loses life, it can be cremated or buried according to the practices of the respective religion. The body’s journey ends with death, so it is not subjected to the theory of reincarnation.

What is Soul?

The Soul is the spiritual part of a human being and does not have different parts like the body. The Soul is intangible, meaning it cannot be burned by fire, blown away by wind, wet by water, or cut into pieces by a weapon. The Soul cannot be eliminated, making it eternal and permanent. It is subjected to transmigration, meaning that when the body in which the Soul lives dies, the Soul moves into another body. The Soul cannot be buried or cremated, and is subject to the theory of reincarnation. A person who has realized the supreme nature of the Soul is considered liberated and is not affected by heat or cold, happiness or sorrow, profit or loss, or victory or defeat. A person who has not realized the supreme nature of the Soul is born again and again in this world and is subjected to a number of rebirths.

What is the difference between Soul and Body?

  • Definition: Body is the physical structure made of flesh, bones, and blood; Soul is the spiritual part of a human being.
  • Parts: Body has different parts, while the Soul does not have different parts and is always spoken of as a whole thing.
  • Tangibility: The body is tangible and can be touched, while the Soul is intangible and cannot be touched.
  • Mortality: The body is mortal and can be eliminated, while the Soul is immortal and cannot be eliminated.
  • Ability to destroy: A person can destroy a body, but cannot destroy a Soul.
  • Transmigration: The body is not subjected to transmigration, but the Soul is subjected to transmigration.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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