Difference Between Tap Dancing & Clogging

Clogging vs Tap
Various dance styles and forms exist, with two of them making use of shoes or heels to hit the dance floor as a percussion instrument, known as tap and clogging. Although they appear similar, there are significant differences between the two styles. Tap and clogging are dance forms that are not native to America but are based on European dances introduced by settlers from different parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland in the 18th and 19th centuries. The two dances evolved differently after taking root in the US, leading to the differences seen in tap and clogging today.

Tap Dance

Tap dance requires the individual to wear special shoes with metal heels, used to hit the floor rhythmically as if they were a percussive instrument. The clicking of the metallic heel on the floor produces a tapping sound, giving the dance its name. A variety of sounds can be produced in tap dance, with performances enjoyed for both the movements and the sounds produced by the dancers. Tap dance can be performed without music or with musical accompaniment. Tap dancing and similar dance forms can be found in various cultures, such as in British Isles, African countries, and even in Spain, where flamenco is the most popular type of tap dancing. Today, tap dancing has become a typical American dancing style, and one can learn this dance in dancing schools.


Clogging, like tap, is a folk dance that requires dancers to wear special shoes with metallic heels. The metallic taps are also present in the soles and are used by the dancers to create rhythmic sounds by hitting them on the dance floor while making dance moves. The wooden shoes used for this dancing style were called clogs, giving the name to this dance form. In the 18th century, settlers from many European countries came and lived in isolation from the progressing civilization. The song and dance of these settlers did not change for decades due to a lack of contact with the majority culture. The clog dance gradually became clogging for the majority culture in America and was adopted by the white population. Clogging is believed to be the first of the street dances.

Key Takeaways

  • Both clogging and tap use the soles and heels of shoes to create sounds by hitting them on the dance floor, but there are differences in the styles.
  • Dancers in tap do not force feet strongly on dance floors as the dancers in clogging do.
  • Clog dance has its roots in Appalachian Mountains and was brought to America by settlers from Ireland, Scotland, and England in the 18th century.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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