Difference Between the Old Stone Age & the New Stone Age

Key Difference Between Old Stone Age and New Stone Age

  • Old Stone Age: The oldest period of human existence where stones were first used as tools and people were nomadic, moving in search of food.
  • New Stone Age: A more advanced period of human history with advanced stone tools, permanent settlements, and agriculture as a main source of food.
  • Terms: The Old Stone Age is also known as the Paleolithic period, while the New Stone Age is known as the Neolithic period.

What is the Old Stone Age?

The Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, begins from the inception of human existence until around ten thousand or twelve thousand years ago. During this time, the evolution of apelike humans to Homo sapiens took place. The period is divided into three sections: the lower Paleolithic period, the middle Paleolithic period, and the upper Paleolithic period.

During the Old Stone Age, humans used stones as tools for various purposes, such as hunting animals and making fire. However, these tools were very primitive. The main concerns of life revolved around finding food, shelter, and making clothes. Humans were mainly nomads who traveled from one place to another in search of food, often living in huts, tents, or caves.

What is the New Stone Age?

The New Stone Age, or Neolithic period, shows significant contrasts when compared to the Old Stone Age. People began using more advanced stone tools that were sharper and well-polished, achieved by grinding. They also began creating permanent settlements and building houses using timber and brick.

The climate during the New Stone Age was much warmer, allowing for agriculture to become a major source of food. Human settlements were arranged near rivers and other waterways for successful farming, and people began to domesticate animals. Unlike the small groups in the Old Stone Age, the New Stone Age saw larger settlements with proper structures.

What is the Difference Between Old Stone Age and New Stone Age?

The Old Stone Age is characterized by primitive tools, nomadic lifestyles, and a focus on hunting and gathering for survival. The New Stone Age, on the other hand, features more advanced tools, permanent settlements, and agriculture as a main source of food. The Old Stone Age is also known as the Paleolithic period, while the New Stone Age is known as the Neolithic period.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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