Anime and Manga are two art mediums with similar origins but distinct differences. Anime is characterized by animated movement, while Manga exists on the page. Both art forms have a Japanese origin, which often leads to confusion between the two terms. It is essential to identify the correct term for each creation before using the words ‘anime’ or ‘manga’ interchangeably.
What is Manga?
Manga is a type of graphic novel popular among children as a comic book with graphics. In short, the word manga translates to ‘comics.’ In Japanese, manga literally means ‘whimsical drawings.’ Manga is generally read, and all comic books made in Japan are referred to as manga in the United States. Manga stories can be lengthy, running into multiple volumes, and the characters often appear realistic. Manga graphic novels can sometimes feature nudity and sex more prominently than anime, requiring caution when purchasing manga for children. Although manga is used to refer to all comic novels in the United States, it is typically black and white. Manga can serve as the basis for some anime, but not all anime is created based on manga. Creating a manga usually requires only a mangaka (author and illustrator) and an editor.
What is Anime?
Anime describes Japanese animation and includes well-known examples such as Pokemon and Doraemon. Anime is generally watched rather than read and features vibrant colors. As Japanese cartoon videos, anime is either released as home videos or aired on television. Producing an anime is a significant responsibility that involves many people and an animation studio.
Key Takeaways
- Manga is a cartoon that appears in printed media, while anime is an animated cartoon.
- Manga graphic novels can sometimes feature more nudity and sex than anime.
- Anime is generally watched, while manga is generally read.