Distinguishing APA & Harvard Referencing Styles

Key Difference – APA vs Harvard Referencing

Referencing is a crucial activity that should be accurately known by academic researchers and students. Academic work is supported by extensive reading of other authors in a specific research area, where the work of prior scholars should be cited in the study to provide more credibility and to showcase gaps in existing literature. APA and Harvard referencing are two of the most popular referencing methods. Each referencing system is different from one another. The key difference between APA and Harvard referencing is that APA referencing style is mainly used to cite education, social and behavioral science-related academic work, whereas Harvard Referencing style is mainly used for academic scientific writing.

What is APA Referencing?

APA referencing was introduced in 1929 by the American Psychological Association. This style is mainly used for education, social and behavioral science. The references should be made in the body of the text in the subject material (in text) and in a separate list in alphabetical order at the end of the text. APA reference guide provides detailed information as to the way of citing from a number of sources such as journals, books, conference proceedings, and websites.

What is Harvard Referencing?

An ambiguity exists regarding the formation of the Harvard referencing system; certain sources state that it is said to be developed by a zoologist named Edward Lawrens Mark. Despite its origination, the style was first widely used by Harvard University, which explains how the style got its name. Similar to APA, Harvard referencing also requires in-text citation and a reference list. Harvard referencing system is widely used for citation of the source materials in scientific writing. Every referencing system is different from the other in some way.

Similarities Between APA and Harvard Referencing

While there are a number of differences between the two styles, in general, both record the same types of information. These include the name of author/authors, year of publication, and name of the journal article/book chapter, name of the journal/book/report/website, volume, and issue and page numbers.

What is the difference between APA and Harvard Referencing?

The difference between APA and Harvard referencing can be seen in a number of aspects since there are multiple minor differences between the two. The way two styles record author information is a notable difference. Both referencing styles undergo changes from time to time and the way of referencing is updated. Thus, differences can be found within the same style when comparing former and latest material.

Key Takeaways

  • APA referencing is mainly used for education, social and behavioral science-related academic work.
  • Harvard Referencing style is mainly used for academic scientific writing.
  • Both APA and Harvard referencing record the same types of information, such as the name of author/authors, year of publication, and name of the journal article/book chapter.
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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