Distinguishing Between Can & Could

Can vs Could

Can and could are well-known modal verbs in the English language, and while they may share some similarities, it is important to note the differences between the two. They are both auxiliary verbs that are used with the main verb but are often confused in grammar. Can is in the present tense, while could is in the past tense, meaning that could is the past tense of can. They both have similar meanings, but can also functions as a noun, while could only serves as a verb.

Key Takeaways

  • Can is used to state a fact, ability, potential, and possibility.
  • Could is used to state a past ability, condition, and possibility.
  • Can and could are used to ask for permissions, make requests or commands; could suggests a polite manner when making a request and it suggests a level of doubt or certainty.

What does Can mean?

Can is utilized in the present tense to state a fact and declare ability. When used in a sentence, the word can indicate that someone has the ability or knows how to do something and possesses the skill to do it. Can is also employed to express possibility and things that can potentially be done. Additionally, it is used to request someone to do something. Consider the following examples:

  • She can run fast. (Ability)
  • They can take the dog with them if they want. (Express possibility)
  • Can you call me in the afternoon? (Request)

What does Could mean?

Could serves as the past tense of can, indicating an ability in the past or things one was able to do in the past but not anymore. In addition, could expresses possibility in the past. The word could is also used to state a condition, as in the following sentence:

  • If I had money, I could buy you a car.

Could is also used for making suggestions and polite requests.

  • Could you pass me the salt, please?

What is the difference between Can and Could?

Both can and could are used in imperative expressions, typically in question form. They are employed to make requests or permissions, but the use of could suggests a more polite tone. For example:

  • Can I leave now? Could you get me a glass of water?

Furthermore, the use of could indicates a level of doubt and uncertainty. This means that when the word could is used in a sentence, the meaning may suggest that the information being expressed is possibly true or not. Can may express that a person is able to do something, while could implies about a 50% possibility that it will be done.

Although can and could can sometimes be confusing, the pointers above can help you navigate the confusion and understand the differences between the two.

Summary: Can vs Could

  • Can is used to state a fact, ability, potential, and possibility.
  • Could is used to state a past ability, condition, and possibility.
  • Can and could are used to ask for permissions, make requests or commands.
  • Could suggests a polite manner when making a request and it suggests a level of doubt or certainty.
Gil Tillard
Gil Tillard
Gil Tillard is an accomplished writer with expertise in creating engaging articles and content across various platforms. His dedication to research and crafting high-quality content has led to over 5 years of professional writing and editing experience. In his personal life, Gil enjoys connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. His curiosity and eagerness to learn from others fuel his passion for communication. He believes that engaging with strangers can be both enlightening and enjoyable, making it easier to strike up conversations and expand one's horizons.


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