Distinguishing Between Executives & Managers

Executive vs Manager

Manager and executive are terms often heard and many of us think we know what they mean. It is true that the roles and responsibilities of a manager often overlap with those of an executive. When examining the roles and duties performed by a manager in a bank and an executive in an organization, it can be confusing whether the two titles are synonymous and can be used interchangeably. However, there are subtle differences between the two titles that will be highlighted in this article for the benefit of readers who have any doubts.


Organizations, whether for profit or nonprofit, have a group of executives who are responsible for implementing the policies and programs approved by top management. These executives are part of the administration, and their responsibility is to oversee the implementation of management decisions. Looking at the functioning of a government in a country, it becomes apparent that the executive arm is responsible for running the administration or carrying out the day-to-day functioning of the government departments. The executive turns plans and programs made by management into reality.


For those who are football fans, the importance of the role of a manager in a football team, whether it is of a country or a professional club, is well known. Indeed, the salary and influence of a football manager can be greater than that of the players, reflecting the importance attached to the role and responsibility of this title. The term manager comes from management, which is all about managing people, and this is what a manager excels at.

In a small organization, one may see a single manager coordinating the activities of all employees and departments. However, in large organizations, there may be different layers of managerial positions. A manager has more responsibilities than a regular employee, regardless of the size of the company, and is also higher paid than ordinary employees. A department manager is generally responsible for the performance of the employees under them and is answerable to top management for the output from their department.

Key Takeaways

  • A manager is responsible for the activities of a group of employees in an organization, playing the role of a motivator and mentor while guiding employees to achieve the organization’s goals.
  • An executive is responsible for implementing the plans and policies of the top management of a company, overseeing the day-to-day functioning of the company, and ensuring the administration runs smoothly.
  • An executive typically has a higher standing in an organization than a manager.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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