Neck Tie vs Bow Tie
A neck tie and a bow tie are both types of ties that vary in length. They are made from fabric and worn around the neck for formal events or at the office.
Neck Tie
A neck tie is a relatively narrow and long band of fabric that reaches the waist, worn around the neck and tied in a knot close to the throat. Typically, neck ties are worn to complement a suit. They come in various lengths, designs, and fabrics. There are also specific ways to tie a neck tie, such as the four-in-hand, Pratt, half-Windsor, and Windsor knot.
Bow Tie
A bow tie is a variant of a necktie that consists of a bow up to the neck, usually in a ribbon shape. Bow ties are narrow fabrics tied around the collar with a center knot and two symmetrical loops forming on the side. There are many bow ties available, including pre-tied bows and clip-on bows that easily attach to the collar.
Difference between Neck Tie and Bow Tie
Both neck ties and bow ties are worn by men, and sometimes women, as part of their formal attire. The main difference between the two is their length. A neck tie is longer than a bow tie, worn lengthwise just above the waist. In contrast, a bow tie is simply a bow that reaches up to the collar. Another reason some people prefer bow ties over neckties is that neck ties can get food spilled on them or become tangled in machinery due to their length. Choosing between a necktie or a bow tie ultimately depends on the wearer and the situation.
Key Takeaways
- Neck ties are longer and reach the waist, while bow ties are shorter and only reach the collar.
- Both neck ties and bow ties are worn around the collar to complement formal attire.
- The choice between a neck tie and a bow tie depends on the wearer’s preference and the situation.