Replica and fake items have gained popularity due to people’s desire to own expensive designer items at a more affordable price. Manufacturers have introduced similar looking products in the market to entice people into buying them. While both replica and fake objects share similarities in that they both aim to sell lower quality items posing as branded ones, there are differences between replicas and fakes.
Key Takeaways
- A replica is meant to be an exact copy of the original and is intended for display purposes, often used in museums or for sports trophies. The item will carry the logo of the company making it, not the original logo, and the buyer is informed that it is a replica.
- A fake is meant to deceive the customer and lure them into buying the product. The quality is typically very low, and the original logo is used, giving the impression that the customer is getting a chance to buy the original at a low price.
- While both replicas and fakes imitate the original, replicas are more transparent about their nature, whereas fakes deceive the buyer into thinking they are purchasing the original product.