Savoir vs Connaitre
The distinction between the French verbs “savoir” and “connaitre” can be confusing for learners, as both can be translated to “to know” in English. However, there are differences between the two, which will be explained in this article to help you choose the right verb when speaking in French.
The verb “savoir” is used when you need to express something you think you know. It indicates self-belief in your own abilities, even if it is not measurable or abstract. In most cases, “savoir” is followed by another verb in its infinitive form to reflect the fact of knowing. “Savoir” can also be used to indicate that you know something, and it is commonly seen in interrogative statements, such as:
– Do you know where she is?
– Do you know what time the show starts?
“Connaitre” is a verb that is always followed by a noun. It reflects the act of knowing something personally or having experienced it firsthand. So, if you are talking about a celebrity, use this verb only if you have met them personally. French speakers use “Connaitre” when they have personal experience with a place, a thing, or a person. You can use “Connaitre” if you have heard a song before or are familiar with it. Similarly, you can use the verb before the name of a person if you are familiar with them or have known them for some time.
Key Takeaways
- Use “savoir” when you know something mentally or when expressing the fact of knowing.
- Use “connaitre” when you are personally familiar with an object, place, or person.
- “Savoir” is often used in an interrogative manner, while “connaitre” is always followed by a noun.
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