Simulation and Animation are often used interchangeably in both legal and conversational contexts. The advancements in technology and tools have made these two concepts very useful and powerful, particularly in the film industry, but they can also be applied to other industries.
Simulation involves imitating or replicating the real thing. It essentially represents specific key behaviors or characteristics of a chosen abstract or physical system. Simulation can be applied in various contexts, such as safety engineering, training education, video games, and testing. It is also used for scientific modeling to obtain and understand how different systems function.
Animation is the process of creating an illusion of movement by using rapidly displayed images of 3-D or 2-D artwork. This results in an optical motion or illusion due to persistence of vision. Animation can be created and demonstrated in many ways, with the most common technique being through a video program or motion picture, although other methods can also be used.
Key Takeaways
- Simulation is the imitation or replication of the real thing, while animation is the method of creating an illusion of movement using rapidly displayed images of 3-D or 2-D artwork.
- Simulation is a mathematical model that doesn’t necessarily require images, whereas animation is a cartoon representation of an object or scenario, either factual or fictional.
- Both simulation and animation play important roles in various industries, showcasing the advancements in technology and its applications.