Complementary vs Complimentary
It’s a common challenge to differentiate between the words complementary and complimentary, as they sound and are spelled almost identically. To understand the difference, we need to examine the meaning of each word and the context in which they are used.
What does Complementary mean?
Complementary refers to completing an aspect in a way that enhances or emphasizes the qualities of one another. It can describe something that makes another aspect better or more agreeable, or two or more things that go perfectly with one another. Complementary can also mean to indicate mutually supplying each other’s lack. For example: “They are a good couple. They are complementary to one another.”
What does Complimentary mean?
Complimentary can be defined as expressing praise or admiration towards something or someone. It can also mean something given free as a courtesy or favor. For example: “This basket of fruit was given complimentary with the room.”
What is the difference between Complementary and Complimentary?
Though spelled similarly, complementary and complimentary have different definitions and cannot be used interchangeably.
Key Takeaways
- Complementary means to complete an aspect in a way that enhances or emphasizes the qualities of one another.
- Complimentary means to express praise or admiration towards something or someone, or something given free as a courtesy or favor.
- These two terms cannot be used interchangeably, as they have different meanings and contexts.