Assessment of student performance after a learning period is a common practice in schools nowadays. In fact, assessment is considered essential to evaluate the learning progress and to develop further study material. There are two types of assessment processes commonly used: formative assessment and summative assessment. Understanding the differences between these two methods is crucial for appreciating the impact of these assessment processes.
Key Takeaways
– Formative assessments are flexible and allow for adjustments in instructional patterns and interventions during the learning process, while summative assessments are periodic tests that determine student knowledge at a specific point in time.
– Formative assessments can be seen as a type of practice rather than an evaluation of a student’s performance and do not result in grades or ranks.
– A balance between formative and summative assessments is essential for effective classroom teaching, with formative assessments enhancing learning and summative assessments serving as milestones in the learning curve of students.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessments, such as weekly tests or quizzes, are given periodically to determine what students know and what they do not know at a particular point in time. These tests have gained much importance, and the marks obtained in these tests are given weightage when deciding upon the rank of students at the end of the academic year. Although the importance of this type of assessment cannot be underestimated, it only helps in evaluating certain aspects of the learning process. However, their timing is not optimal, as summative assessment takes place too far down the learning path, not allowing for instructional adjustments and interventions during the learning process. This is where formative assessment comes into the picture.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessments are more flexible, allowing for changes in instructional patterns and interventions to rectify any learning deficiencies during the learning process. Teachers can gauge the level of understanding of the students, enabling timely adjustments. These adjustments allow certain students to achieve goals set for a particular classroom.
Although it is challenging to differentiate between formative and summative assessments based on content, it is easier to differentiate by treating formative assessment as a type of practice rather than evaluating a child based on their performance in such tests. This means students are not given grades and ranks in class based on their performance in these tests, allowing them to rectify their mistakes and enhance their understanding without undue pressure. This also gives breathing space to the teacher before summative assessment approaches. However, it is essential to make students accountable for their performance in some way, or they may not take much interest in this type of testing, believing that their grades will not be affected even if they take formative assessment casually. The best way to ensure this is to provide descriptive feedback to students rather than grades.
In conclusion, although formative assessment provides time for teachers and students to rectify their mistakes and enhance learning, summative assessment is also essential as it serves as a milestone in the learning curve of students. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a delicate balance between the two types of assessments for better and more effective classroom teaching.