What is Gemeinschaft?
Gemeinschaft refers to small communities or groups of people that emphasize the value of collectivity rather than individualism. In these societies, people typically work together as a group and place significant importance on social values, norms, customs, and taboos of that particular society. The bond among people in these communities is strong, and relationships with other members of the community are highly valued. This concept of Gemeinschaft can be compared to Emilie Durkheim’s mechanic solidarity, which focuses on the collective conscience of the community and the consensus among members that keeps society together. However, Ferdinand Tonnies points out that Gemeinschaft can eventually transform into Gesellschaft.
What is Gesellschaft?
Gesellschaft is a social organization that differs from Gemeinschaft in several ways. This organization cannot typically be found in village settings but can mainly be seen in cities. The main difference between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft is the shift from collectivity to individualism. While in villages, the efforts are usually collective and focused on the community, in Gesellschaft, the emphasis is on the individual. Social relationships and ties in Gesellschaft are weaker than in villages, with people concentrating more on material wealth. This concept can be compared to Durkheim’s idea of organic solidarity, which emphasizes the prominence of the individual in industrial societies.
Key Takeaways
- Gemeinschaft emphasizes collectivity, while Gesellschaft emphasizes individualism.
- In Gemeinschaft, social ties are strong, and there is a moral obligation towards the community; in Gesellschaft, social ties are weaker, and people focus on promoting their self-interest.
- Gemeinschaft can be compared to Durkheim’s mechanic solidarity, while Gesellschaft can be compared to organic solidarity.