Distinguishing Prologue & Preface

Prologue vs Preface

Understanding the difference between a prologue and a preface can be confusing, as they both appear at the beginning of a book and seem to serve the same purpose. However, they are actually two distinct pieces of writing with different purposes. Prologue and preface are terms used in English literature, particularly in dramaturgy and novel or book writing, respectively. One is a way for the writer to directly address their readers, while the other is a part of the story.

What is a Prologue?

The term “prologue” is mainly used in dramaturgy. It is a type of dialogue that appears at the beginning of an act in a play or drama, where two or three characters converse about the plot and related matters. The purpose of a prologue is to enable the audience to learn about the plot and the main characters of the play.

Prologues can also be used in prose writing, such as novels. They appear at the beginning of a novel and provide an idea of the story and other details. The prologue is written to introduce the novel to readers and help them understand the plot. It may be used to give the reader an idea of what happened before the story began or to describe what is happening in the present time of the story, as the narrative often begins after the prologue with a flashback.

What is a Preface?

A preface, on the other hand, is an introduction written by the author of a book. It contains information about the idea behind the book’s creation, the people who helped the author complete the book, and the author’s acknowledgements to those who assisted them in completing the project.

Prefaces are particularly useful in research works, such as theses and dissertations, as they provide insight into why the researcher chose their particular subject, the people they consulted, and information about the primary book they based their research on.

Key Takeaways

  • Prologue is used in literature, while preface is used in literature and other subject areas, such as research.
  • Prologue appears before a novel or drama begins and is part of the story, providing an idea of what to expect from it.
  • Preface also comes before the story but is not part of it, instead offering information about the writing process and the author’s acknowledgements.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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