Rational vs Irrational Thinking
The primary distinction between rational and irrational thinking is that rational thinking relies on logic and reason, while irrational thinking does not. Throughout our lives, we encounter various situations where we must make choices. Sometimes we consider the situation and the possible outcomes and make our choices, but at other times, we are overwhelmed with emotion that we arrive at quick decisions. This underscores that there is a clear difference between these two processes. Our thinking process can be divided into rational thinking and irrational thinking. In rational thinking, we use our brain, and in irrational thinking, we listen to our heart. Through this article, let us examine the differences between the two types of thinking.
What is Rational thinking?
Rational thinking can be described as a thinking process based on reason and logic. A person who thinks rationally would pay attention to the factual basis. They would analyze the possible outcomes of the situation and their response before taking action. Even in a challenging situation, a person who thinks rationally can look beyond the emotions they feel at that particular moment and act wisely. They would not become a slave to their emotions. When engaging in rational thinking, the individual uses all the information available to him. This can be his past experiences, what he has heard, and whatever information is available. This allows him to choose the best option available.
For example, in a work environment, an employee was accused by his supervisor of something he did not do. A rational person would look past the emotions and consider the facts available to him, such as why did he accuse? What led him to think that? Has some mistake occurred in his work, etc. It is only after this that he would decide what to do.
Rational thinking makes you focus on facts.
What is Irrational thinking?
Irrational thinking is quite different from rational thinking. It can be described as a thinking process where the individual completely disregards reason and logic in favor of emotion. Such a person would be overwhelmed by the emotional tension of the situation that they will make the decision based on this. It will not allow the individual to pay attention to facts and logic. Some believe that irrational thinking involves availability bias. This denotes that individuals focus only on recent and similar situations and use that knowledge for handling the situation. They would not analyze the possible outcomes of each decision but would be ruled over by the emotion.
Irrational thinking can distort reality and work as a barrier between the individual and their success. It would make the individual come up with decisions that have no logical basis and are only detrimental.
Irrational thinking makes you act based on emotions.
What is the difference between Rational and Irrational Thinking?
• Definition of Rational and Irrational Thinking:
• Rational thinking can be defined as a thinking process based on reason and logic.
• Irrational thinking can be defined as a thinking process where the individual completely disregards reason and logic in favor of emotion.
• Logical Basis:
• Rational thinking has a logical basis.
• Irrational thinking does not have a logical basis.
• Power of Emotions:
• A person with rational thinking can look past the emotions and weigh the possible outcomes before arriving at a decision.
• With irrational thinking, the individual cannot look past the emotion.
• Experience and Emotion:
• Rational thinking is driven by experience and facts.
• Irrational thinking is driven by emotion.
• Success:
• Rational thinking allows the person to succeed.
• Irrational thinking works as a barrier that hinders the success of the individual.
Key Takeaways
- Rational thinking is based on reason and logic, while irrational thinking is based on emotions.
- Rational thinking allows an individual to consider facts and past experiences, leading to better decision-making and success.
- Irrational thinking can distort reality and hinder an individual’s success by causing decisions to be made without logic or reason.