Distinguishing the Bible & the Quran

Bible vs Quran

The differences between the Bible and the Quran can provide insight into the distinctions between Christianity and Islam, as these books serve as the foundations for each religion. They are the holy scriptures that carry the beliefs upon which these religions are built. The Bible is a collection of sacred scripture for both Judaism and Christianity, and is the oldest surviving book, dating back to the fourth century. Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel between 610 and 632 CE. There are many differences between the two texts.

What is the Bible?

The Bible was compiled over a period of 13 centuries and is arranged chronologically. It is considered to have multiple authors and is not mentioned as a whole even once in the text. There are seven versions of the Bible, which is believed to have been constructed from lost originals. The oldest complete manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible are from the Middle Ages. The New Testament has been translated into 1,185 languages and the Protestant Canon of the Bible into 451 languages.

According to the Bible, Jesus is God in flesh, was crucified, and rose from death. Jesus is considered the Son of God, and salvation is guaranteed by grace. In the Bible, the Devil is a fallen angel and humans are fallen sinners. The Bible states that the disciples were Christians and records numerous miracles. The Bible also contains many prophecies and recommends worship on the Sabbath and Sundays. According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit will bear witness to Jesus.

What is the Quran?

The Quran was revealed over a period of just 23 years, with Prophet Muhammad receiving his first revelation in the Cave of Hira and the rest of the revelations occurring over the following 23 years. The Quran is not arranged chronologically and is considered to have only one author. The Quran is mentioned often as a whole within the text, with the word “Quran” appearing about 70 times. It is considered the only self-referential religious text and has only one version. The Quran is believed to be preserved in its original form, with the present-day version accepted by historians as the original compiled by Abu Bakr shortly after Muhammad’s death. The Quran has been translated into 112 languages.

According to the Quran, Jesus is not God, was not crucified, and did not rise from death. Jesus is not considered the Son of God, and salvation is possible through sincerity in work. In the Quran, the Devil is a fallen Jinn, not a fallen angel, and humans are not sinners but basically good. The Quran states that the disciples would declare themselves as Muslims and does not record any miracles, instead claiming that the Quran itself is a miracle. The Quran does not contain prophecies and recommends worship on Fridays. According to the Quran, the Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel.

Key Takeaways

  • The Bible was compiled over 13 centuries and has multiple authors, while the Quran was revealed over 23 years and has one author.
  • According to the Bible, Jesus is God and the Son of God, while the Quran says Jesus is not God and not the Son of God.
  • The Bible contains numerous prophecies and miracles, while the Quran does not contain prophecies and claims to be a miracle itself.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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