Understanding the Differences Among Chicken, Hen, Pullet, Cock, Cockerel, Rooster, & Capon

The various terms used for chickens can be confusing, but they all refer to the same bird in different stages of its life or according to its gender. A young chicken is called a chick, while a male chicken can be referred to as a cock or cockerel, depending on its age. A female chicken is a pullet or a hen. The age at which a pullet becomes a hen and a cockerel becomes a cock varies among different breeds. A chicken is generally considered a pullet or cockerel if it is less than one year old.

Key Takeaways

  • A pullet is a female chicken that is less than one year old, while a hen is a female chicken that has started egg production.
  • A cockerel is a male chicken that is less than one year old, while a cock or rooster is a sexually mature male chicken.
  • A capon is a castrated male chicken that is raised for meat consumption.

To differentiate between hens and cocks, you can look at their physical features like their combs, wattles, size, colors, and tail feathers. Roosters have bigger and brighter combs and wattles, brighter feathers, and longer tail feathers than hens. Hens lay eggs, whereas roosters crow and are more aggressive and domineering.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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