Difference Between Egoism & Egotism

Egoism vs Egotism

Egoism and Egotism are two distinct words that are often confused in terms of their meanings and connotations, both of which relate to human psychology. This article will clarify and emphasize the differences between the two terms. Egoism is self-centeredness, meaning a person is full of themselves and selfish in their thoughts and actions. In contrast, egotism is when a person is insensitive to the feelings of others.

What is Egoism?

Egoism refers to selfishness or self-centeredness, where a person is more concerned about their self-esteem. Such a person, known as an egoist, is sensitive when it comes to pride and position. They do not easily give up their position and pride, as their ego prevents them from stooping down beyond a certain level. An egoist does not surrender meekly and is driven by their I-sense, which stops them from submitting themselves to others. These types of people find it difficult to prioritize the welfare of others before their own, as their actions, words, and thoughts are obsessed with their personal well-being.

What is Egotism?

Egotism, on the other hand, is used to describe insensitivity, which is the main difference between the two terms. An egotist is someone who is insensitive to the sufferings of others and is more concerned about themselves and their needs. They are not worried about the needs of other people and can sometimes be indifferent to the needs of their own family members. Egotism is about insensitivity, while egoism is about selfishness. An egotist lacks concern for others and remains quiet when faced with the suffering of people, often questioning why they should help others.

Key Takeaways

  • Egotism is about insensitivity, while egoism is about selfishness.
  • An egoist is sensitive when it comes to pride and position and does not surrender meekly.
  • An egotist lacks concern for others and remains quiet when faced with the suffering of people.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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