Difference Between Islam & Yahudi

Islam vs Yahudi

Religious beliefs of Islam and Yahudi have differences between them. Islam is based on the teachings of Prophet Mohammed, while Yahudi is the belief of the Yahudah tribe saying Allah is the only God, which is a major difference.

Yahudi is the result of the split in Israelite rule, with the northern split being called Israel and the southern split called Yahudah.

Early Islamic period showed differences between Islam and Yahudi, with a war between the followers of Mohammed and the non-believers who believed in Allah as the only God.

Yahudi tribe had a high economic status, which is why they control present-day Israel. Mushrikeen tribe controls the economic situation from Arabia to Africa.

Yahudis have become more independent and are no longer considered non-believers. The power-base of Muslims is the Prophet, while for Yahudis it is Allah.

The war between the two religions took place due to the transfer of knowledge.


1) Islam and Yahudi are two different religious beliefs with some significant differences, particularly in their understanding of God. Islam is based on the teachings of Mohammed the Prophet, while Yahudi is the belief of the Yahudah tribe that states Allah is the only God.

2) The split in Israelite rule resulted in the formation of Yahudi as a separate religious group. Israel constituted the northern split, while the southern split was called Yahudah. This historical split further deepened the differences between Islam and Yahudi.

3) In the early Islamic period, there was conflict between the followers of Mohammed and the Arabian non-believers, who considered Allah as the only God. Yahudi tribe, known for its economic status, has historically had control over Israel due to their wealth and economic power.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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