Difference Between Journal & Conference Paper: What You Need to Know

The primary distinction between journal and conference paper lies in the fact that a journal article is a lengthy piece of writing published in journals and periodicals, while a conference paper is a brief and precise written paper presented at research conferences. Both journals and conference papers showcase the findings and conclusion of a research study, and both types of articles undergo a review process before the acceptance of papers.

Key Takeaways

  • A journal article is a long piece of writing, whereas a conference paper is a concise and precise written paper.
  • Journal articles are published in journals and periodicals, while conference papers are presented in research conferences.
  • Both journal articles and conference papers undergo a review process before acceptance of papers, but journal papers require a more rigorous review process compared to conference papers.

What is a Journal?

Academic journals are periodical publications that relate to a certain academic discipline. They contain a number of articles under a particular discipline. Journals are published annually, bi-annually, or sometimes quarterly. A journal is a presentation of the most recent research articles by professionals in the field. These research articles go through a peer-review process before the publication in journals. After the completion of the research, the most significant factors are presented in the journal article.

There is a specific format to be followed when writing a journal article, and this format is different from one journal to another. The authors should stick to the format provided by the journal. The review process of the journal papers takes a longer period,  and it may require exhaustive editions before publication. The highest quality papers are usually offered with the opportunity to be published in the journal.

What is a Conference Paper?

A conference is a place where research articles are presented by scholars, researchers, experts, and professionals after carrying out research studies. Conference papers are short and precise documents with a smaller number of pages. Researchers present the data of their research studies through conference papers. In certain conferences, the conference papers will be published in the conference proceedings, whereas in some situations, only selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

There is a specific format to be followed when documenting a conference paper. Though there is a general structure for conference papers, the format and style of a conference paper can be different from one organization to the other. The length of the conference paper can also vary from four to ten pages according to the requirements and expectations of the organization. Acceptance of the conference papers will be informed to the presenters after a review process. Most of the time, the conference paper goes through the review process under two or more reviewers.

What is the Difference Between Journal and Conference Paper?

Although both papers include writing, journal papers are published in journals, whereas conference papers are presented in conferences and sometimes published in conference proceedings. Thus, this is the key difference between journal and conference paper. Moreover, there is a significant difference between journal and conference paper in terms of their length. The number of pages in a journal paper is higher than that of a conference paper. The pages of a conference paper are always limited to four to ten pages.
Besides, both journal papers and conference papers undergo a review process before the acceptance of papers. However, journal papers require a firm review process, whereas conference papers only require a general review process. Both papers require a format and a style when documenting.

Summary – Journal vs Conference Paper

The key difference between journal and conference paper is that a journal is a long piece of writing with a definite structure and is published in journals, whereas a conference paper is a short and precise paper that is presented at a conference.

Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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