Difference Between Masculine & Feminine

Masculine vs Feminine

It’s common knowledge that facial hair, a muscular body, and a deeper voice are considered masculine traits, while a curvy and fuller body, a slender and delicate silhouette, and the ability to give birth to babies are considered feminine traits. Females are often referred to as the fairer sex and are believed to be superior to men in terms of resilience, sensitivity, warmth, and patience. However, despite these obvious differences, both males and females belong to the same species. It is not the biological difference that leads to an understanding of what is masculine and what is feminine, but rather the gendered construction that leads to an identification of individuals as masculine or feminine. In this article, we will continue to highlight the difference between masculine and feminine.

What is Masculine?

The term masculine is often associated with having manly qualities. For example, competitiveness is one quality that has predominantly been considered as masculine. Taking the initiative, strength, and physique is often considered as masculine. It’s important to keep in mind that whether a person’s behavior is considered as masculine depends very much on cultural expectations. Crying, lack of confidence, and strength are all looked down upon. If a man cries, it is considered as not very masculine, but if it were a woman, it would be alright. This is why such behavioral expectations of people as masculine or feminine can be considered culturally constructed.
In addition to obvious differences between men and women, there are differences in how they think, how they behave, and what relationships mean to them. If we think of an organization from a masculine worldview, we find that men think in terms of hierarchy. As far as tasks are concerned, the masculine view is biased towards action and this view thinks of ancillary processes as slowing down things. Scientists have also played their part in this masculine and feminine divide by proposing left/right brain theories and thinking on the basis of differences in hormones. They analyzed men and women on the basis of physical and mental traits and came up with their conclusions.

What is Feminine?

Now let’s focus on what is considered feminine. This term is often associated with females. Sensitivity, patience, vulnerability, and beauty are all qualities or traits that have long been considered as feminine. The feminine worldview of an organization is that of a network, with minimal emphasis on hierarchy. When focusing on the female brain, it has a higher tolerance for processes. The feminine viewpoint thinks, listens, and synthesizes ideas to give a conclusion, unlike males. The reason we are forced to think about masculine and feminine differences is that people are fed up with the notion that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
Since ancient times, women and men have been assigned gender-specific roles in society, and they have been dutifully playing these roles, imbibing and thinking of these roles as truly their own. Thousands of years of role-playing meant that women became stereotyped, and they found it hard to rise above middle levels in management in organizations. Even today, it surprises many to see a woman at the top of management in an organization, and some find it hard to accept. Despite there being sound reasons to consider the masculine/feminine divide, it is prudent to think of a continuum with some men lying closer to women on some traits, while some women lying closer to men on other traits. It would be foolish to think of a hypothetical society or utopia where masculine and feminine differences melt away, and men and women display the same qualities and characteristics.

Key Takeaways

  • The term masculine is often associated with having manly qualities whereas the term feminine is often associated with females.
  • Taking the initiative, strength, and physique is often considered as masculine whereas sensitivity, patience, vulnerability, and beauty are all qualities or traits that have long been considered as feminine.
  • The ideals of masculine and feminine behavior are socially constructed and are constantly changing in society.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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