Difference Between Reading & Studying: What’s the Distinction?

The key difference between reading and studying is that reading is the process of understanding the meaning of the letters and symbols loudly or silently, whereas studying is the process of acquiring and understanding knowledge. Both reading and studying are ways of acquiring knowledge. By reading books, newspapers, magazines, articles, etc., you can enrich yourself with knowledge. At the same time, the process of learning also allows a person to be equipped with knowledge.

Key Takeaways

  • Reading is a cognitive process that involves understanding symbols and letters to decode the meaning, while studying is the process of exploring, acquiring, and understanding knowledge.
  • Reading strategies and techniques help achieve a successful reading process, while studying involves various learning styles and skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Reading only involves going through a text, but studying involves actively researching and learning the material.

What is Reading?

Reading is a cognitive process that involves understanding symbols and letters to decode the meaning. The reader is directly exposed to the text or the reading material where he/she can gain knowledge. Hence, the reader is able to interact dynamically with the text and grasp various types of knowledge. Reading is considered a receptive skill, and there are numerous reading strategies and techniques used in the process of reading.

Reading can be done silently or loudly. This may vary according to the reader. The purpose of reading can also vary according to the reader. For example, for learning, for entertainment, etc. Reading can be identified as a thinking process because reading may activate the prior knowledge of the readers. Thus, it will direct the reader to understand the text more clearly. Strategies and techniques of reading also help to achieve a successful reading process.

What is Studying?

Studying is the process of exploring, acquiring, and understanding knowledge. Many skills are useful in the process of studying. Skills like reading, writing, speaking, and listening are used in acquiring and exploring knowledge. Simultaneously, there are different learning styles in the process of studying like visual learning, kinesthetic learning, auditory learning, active learning as well as passive learning. These varieties of learning styles can change from one learner to the other.

The process of studying can be done throughout someone’s lifetime, and it is a never-ending process. Studying is compulsory for children in most countries around the world, and the studied facts are evaluated using assessments and evaluation processes.

What is the Difference Between Reading and Studying?

The key difference between reading and studying is that reading deals with the process of understanding and decoding meanings of symbols and letters, whereas studying involves the process of exploring and acquiring knowledge. Furthermore, another difference between reading and studying is the adaption of techniques. While the reading process adapts a different set of techniques and strategies to grasp knowledge, the process of studying focuses on skills to acquire and gain knowledge. At the same time, reading styles are also different from one reader to the other as well as the learning styles are also different from one learner to another. Moreover, reading only involves going through a text, but studying involves actively researching and learning the material.

Summary – Reading vs Studying

The key difference between reading and studying is that reading is a process of understanding and decoding the meaning of letters and symbols, whereas studying is the process of acquiring and exploring knowledge. A different set of strategies and techniques are used in the process of reading, and the process of studying adapts skills to gain knowledge. Both reading and studying can be done silently as well as loudly.

Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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