Difference Between Theoretical & Practical Approaches

You should not only forgive those who have sinned against you but also be reconciliatory towards them. Preaching these concepts is easy, but it is challenging to tolerate someone who has hurt or insulted us in the past. In our classrooms, we learn many theories in science and economics, but in real life, we find that many of these theories do not hold water due to the assumptions that do not exist in real lives. The curriculums in our education system are devised to contain a theory and a practice part to facilitate a deeper understanding of concepts. This article will further explore the differences between theory and practice.

Key Takeaways

  • Education systems often focus on both theoretical and practical learning to ensure a deeper understanding of concepts.
  • Theory is based on abstract ideas and concepts, while practice involves hands-on experience and real-life application.
  • There is often a gap between theory and practice as conditions in real life are unique and not based on assumptions.


Two ways to make a student learn and understand a concept are the abstract way, where the subject is taught in the form of text and pictures, and classroom lectures given by teachers. Our textbooks in schools are the backbone of this theory system. It is believed that most of our learning comes through this theoretical system of education. Properties of objects and matter and how they interact with each other are written and described in categories to make students grasp them better. Subjects like history can always be presented in the form of theory or text, as there is no way to convert them into practice, though today there are visual mediums that can be used to make students even see history and geography. However, natural phenomena, their reasons, causes, and correlations are always sought to be presented in textual form so that students retain them for a long time period. A medical student can understand a disease better when shown a person afflicted with a disease, but they are still made to learn the symptoms theoretically to better diagnose between two similar diseases.


In all systems of education, there is a methodology of teaching based upon practice. This is a part of education best described through vocational courses and certificates and diplomas in professions such as hairstyling, plumbing, carpentry, cookery, electronics repair, air conditioning, etc. In most of these professions, there is a theoretical part which tries to present the subject matter in capsule form. This theory is, however, used by students to write down in exams to get good grades while practice is the first-hand experience of what they are supposed to do in real life after passing out from their classes. A lawyer may undergo a lot of theory-based classes, but in real life, when they start their practice, they are always dependent upon their acumen and present evidence.

Difference Between Theory and Practice

  • It is easy to explain the concepts of thirst, pain and sorrow in theory, but the person realizes the difference only when they undergo these experiences in real life.
  • In theory, many assumptions are made to explain the phenomenon and concepts, whereas in real life, there are no assumptions, and conditions are always unique.
  • Most of the subjects consist of a theory and a practical part, but some courses are vocational in nature and need to be taught through first-hand practice.
  • Even medical students have to learn theories and symptoms of diseases when they could be taught entirely through practice.
  • The dichotomy of theory and practice will remain as these two form the backbone of all learning procedures.
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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