Difference between Yoga & Power Yoga


Yoga and Power Yoga have different meanings and concepts. Yoga is based on the Ashtanga Yoga taught by sage Patanjali, which includes eight limbs of Yoga. Power yoga, on the other hand, is a form of “keep fit” program popular in the western countries.


One key difference is that yoga aims for spiritual absorption, while power yoga does not have a spiritual inclination. Power yoga focuses on fitness and weight control, with programs promoting mental and physical well-being. Traditional yoga, on the other hand, emphasizes spirituality and self-realization through meditation and mind control.


In summary, while both yoga and power yoga have their benefits, they differ in their goals and focus. Yoga is more inclined towards spirituality, while power yoga is primarily focused on fitness and weight control.


1. Yoga and Power Yoga are different in terms of their meanings and concepts. Yoga is based on the Ashtanga Yoga taught by sage Patanjali and includes the eight limbs of Yoga, while power yoga is a form of “keep fit” program prevalent in the western countries.
2. Traditional yoga has an inclination towards spirituality and aims at spiritual absorption, while power yoga does not have an inclination towards spirituality and focuses more on reducing body weight and maintaining physical fitness.
3. Meditation techniques in power yoga aim at making the mind calm and quiet, whereas meditation in traditional yoga aims at attaining perfection in the art of mind control and self-realization.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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