Difference Between Zionism & Judaism

Zionism and Judaism are two religions with many differences between them. One of the main differences between Zionism and Judaism is that Zionism explains the faith of some Jewish people while Judaism explains the philosophical and the metaphysical truths that caused the formation of the Jewish state. Judaism has a very fundamentalist outlook. On the other hand, Zionism does not have a fundamentalist outlook. One of the important observations, when it comes to the difference between Zionism and Judaism is that, all the practitioners of Zionism are the practitioners of Judaism, as well. On the other hand, not all the practitioners of Judaism are the practitioners of Zionism. This is because all Jews do not agree with the extremist views of Zionism.

Key Takeaways

  • Zionism is an extreme view followed by some Jewish people, while Judaism is a peaceful religion based on the Torah.
  • All practitioners of Zionism are practitioners of Judaism, but not all practitioners of Judaism are practitioners of Zionism.
  • Judaism is centered on spirituality and piety, whereas Zionism is more centered on racism and expansionism.

What is Judaism?

The practitioners of Judaism are called Jews. The practitioners of Judaism live in several parts of the world particularly in Israel and America. It is not necessary that all of them should subscribe to the views of Zionism. When it comes to center focus, Judaism is centered on spirituality. On the other hand, Judaism is all about spiritual growth. It speaks a lot about piety. Judaism says that spirituality and piety are the goals set by the Almighty on the people or the followers of the religion.
Another important observation, when it comes to the study of Judaism is that, this religion opposes military prowess as the supreme prowess. One need not show technological advancement as proof of the power. A Jew or the follower of Judaism is more concerned about the history of the Jews. Judaism teaches that human life should be led with simplicity and dignity, and this is the reason why we see the Jews lead simple and dignified lives.
Judaism teaches that the Jews should involve themselves in the performance of rituals in a regular manner. A Jew is a strict believer in the existence of God and the Torah, which is the holy book of Jewish. Judaism says that the Jews should live or lead their lives according to the tenets or the dogmas of the holy book called the Torah.

What is Zionism?

Zionism is a religion followed by some of the Jewish population. This is an extreme view that is not peaceful. Moreover, the practitioners of Zionism are called Zionists. One of the important differences between Zionism and Judaism is that Zionism is more centered on racism. Zionism concentrates on expansionism as well, in addition to racism. Moreover, Zionism believes in the power of technological advancement. It says that high technology is a driver of force.
Then, when it comes to a Zionist, a Zionist would not mind having a little factual information about the history of his people, but would certainly have notions about the origin of his race. Zionism, especially, speaks about the right of the Zionist on the Holy Land. It speaks about how the other people have conquered the lands that actually belonged to them.

What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism?

• Definitions of Zionism and Judaism:
• Judaism is a peaceful religion based on the Torah.
• Zionism is a faith followed by some extremist Jews and is not peaceful.
• Name of the Practitioner:
• The practitioner or the follower of Judaism is known as Jew.
• The practitioner or the follower of Zionism is known as Zionist.
• Objective:
• The objective of Jews is to follow the God’s word and live accordingly.
• The objective of Zionists is taking back the Holy Land of Jews using military force.
• Center Focus:
• Judaism is centered on spirituality.
• Zionism is more centered on racism.
• Military Power and Technology:
• Judaism does not believe that military power and technology should be considered as ways of showing one’s power.
• Zionism believes very much about military power and technological advancements.
This is another key difference between Zionism and Judaism.
• Torah and the God:
• Judaism respects and accepts the Torah and the God.
• Zionism does not respect or accept the Torah and the God.
• Connection between Zionism and Judaism:
• All Zionists are Jews.
• However, not all Jews are Zionists.
These are the fundamental differences between Zionism and Judaism.

Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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