Distinguishing Between Moderate & Extremist Positions

Moderate vs Extremist

The primary distinction between moderate and extremist lies in the extent to which they adhere to their views. In our daily lives, we encounter individuals with extreme opinions as well as those with milder perspectives. These people are classified as moderates and extremists. An extremist is someone who possesses extreme views, going beyond what is deemed normal and acceptable. In contrast, a moderate has much milder views and is not extreme in their beliefs or actions. We encounter various moderates and extremists in society, including leaders, religious groups, and political groups. This article will explore the differences between these two types of people.

Key Takeaways

  • A moderate has milder views, stays within the value system, and does not engage in radical acts.
  • An extremist possesses extreme views, goes beyond the norms, and may employ violent behavior.
  • The distinction between what is moral and immoral can become blurred for an extremist, whereas a moderate has a clear understanding of morality and immorality.

Who is a Moderate?

A moderate is an individual with moderate views who does not possess extreme values, opinions, or actions. Such people can be found in politics and religions, where they do not engage in radical acts that cause anarchic conditions within society. In the political sphere, moderates implement social reforms without producing radical outcomes. They do not go beyond the norms and values of a society and always operate within the established framework.

In terms of religion, religious extremists’ activities are prevalent in today’s world. However, most faiths instruct followers to adhere to a moderate path. For example, in Buddhism, Lord Buddha advised that people should be moderate in their lifestyles and ideals to live happily. An extremist, however, differs significantly from a moderate.

Who is an Extremist?

An extremist is an individual who holds extreme views. Like moderates, extremists can be found in politics and religious endeavors. However, unlike moderates, extremists do not adhere to the value system and often go beyond societal norms. Some extremist beliefs may be considered irrational and incorrect by the majority, but their strong devotion to their belief system compels them to engage in such activities.

While extremist actions like fighting for freedom may be perceived as positive by one group, they may be viewed as terrorism by another. The line between what is moral and immoral can become blurred in extremist behavior. In many cases, extremists resort to violent actions such as suicide bombings. Although the extremist’s motive may be pure, it can lead to significant destruction and loss of human life.

What is the difference between Moderate and Extremist?

  • Definitions of Moderate and Extremist:
    • An extremist holds extreme views.
    • A moderate holds much milder views.
  • Extreme Views:
    • A moderate does not have extreme views, whereas an extremist does.
  • Norms:
    • An extremist goes beyond the norms.
    • A moderate stays within the value system.
  • Violence:
    • An extremist can use violence.
    • A moderate does not use violence.
  • Irrational Appearance:
    • An extremist may be viewed as irrational.
    • No one considers a moderate as irrational.
  • Morality and Immorality:
    • The line between what is moral and immoral can be blurred in the actions of an extremist.
    • A moderate has a clear idea of morality and immorality.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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