Distinguishing Civil Unions & Marriages

Civil Union vs Marriage

The distinction between civil unions and marriages arises from the gender of the individuals who enter into a legal agreement to live together. Marriage is an age-old institution that has functioned well up to now, allowing a couple of the opposite sex to live together, engage in sexual activity, and raise a family. Marriage also has social and cultural approval, with marital status being a significant aspect of a person’s personal data. Civil unions are a relatively new concept in this context, referring to the legal union of same-sex couples, which has been legalized in many Western countries. Although the term “marriage” is used to describe these same-sex unions, there is little in common between the two types of marriage except for two people living together and having sex. This article will discuss the many differences between civil unions and marriages.

What is Marriage?

Marriage involves a man and woman entering into a legal commitment to support one another. Religious institutions bless this union, as a couple entering into marriage promises to care for each other and potentially become parents. As a result, marriage is approved by society, religion, and the government. Entering into a legal bond like this grants both marriage partners equal status under the law, providing protection during their married life, in the event of a divorce, and regarding the future and protection of their children.

What is Civil Union?

A civil union permits a same-sex couple to enter into a legal bond similar to that of heterosexual couples. This concept began in Denmark in 1989 when the federal government legally recognized same-sex marriage, and since then, many other countries have followed suit under various names. Regardless of the different names, they are all categorized as civil unions. Supporters of civil unions argue that such marriages grant same-sex couples the same legal status as heterosexual couples in civil marriages. However, critics contend that civil unions are not comparable to civil marriages and that marriage should only occur between a man and a woman.

Although one may have a neutral view, legalizing same-sex marriage or civil unions is essentially granting rights and privileges to couples that they would not be entitled to if they were not “married” under the new law. Rights available to traditionally married couples are granted to those in civil unions. However, if same-sex marriages were genuinely the same as opposite-sex marriages, there would be no need for separate laws and legal statuses. It is true that creating a law allowing married status for same-sex couples provides them with benefits they would not receive if not involved in a civil union.

The cultural significance of marriage cannot be underestimated. As a child, can anyone imagine one day entering into a civil union? In contrast, the wedding day is the primary focus of growing children. Married couples are respected in society. Can the same be said about couples involved in civil unions? It becomes evident that civil unions are more about convenience and legal protection than societal approval. In fact, taking into account the opinions of the church, a civil union is an attempt to undermine the socially and culturally significant institution of marriage.

What is the difference between Civil Union and Marriage?

Marriage is a time-tested and honored institution that has withstood the test of time and has served men, women, and children well. Marriage cannot be compared to civil unions, as there can be no biological children in civil unions. The bond between parents and children, which is the focal point of civil marriages, is absent in civil unions. Some people believe that civil unions appear to be an attempt to turn a relationship into a package of rights and benefits.

  • Definition of Civil Union and Marriage:
    • Marriage is when two people of different sexes enter into a legal union.
    • Civil union is when two people of the same sex enter into a legal union.
  • Legal Status:
    • Both have the same legal status.
  • View of Society:
    • Marriage is always approved by society.
    • Civil unions do not receive as much approval from society.
  • Religious view:
    • From a religious perspective, marriage is blessed as it is natural for a man and woman to start a family.
    • From a religious standpoint, civil unions are not accepted as they are seen as going against nature.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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