Distinguishing Delusions from Hallucinations

Delusion vs Hallucination

Human behavior is influenced by a combination of factors, including genetics, cultural influences, upbringing, and various stimulants that cause a person to act in a certain way. A person’s behavior and actions may not always align with societal norms, which can lead to the belief that they are suffering from mental disorders. Delusion and hallucination are two such mental disorders that people often confuse due to their similarities. This article aims to clarify the differences between delusion and hallucination.


Delusion is a mental disorder that causes a person to hold beliefs that do not align with reality. It is evident to others that the person is holding false beliefs, but they refuse to leave their imaginary world. The most common delusions are those of grandeur and persecution, although there are many other types of delusion. A person may suddenly start to believe that they are the chosen one, sent by God to control others. They behave accordingly and are not concerned with what others think of them. Some people believe that they have superpowers or supernatural abilities and may even jump from a high building, thinking they will not be harmed. Someone with a belief that they cannot be injured may walk into traffic without following traffic lights.

When a person suffers from delusion of persecution, they think that everyone else is conspiring against them. They start to believe that they are being followed, their phones are being tapped, and their activities are being spied on in order to plan their murder. The actions and behaviors of such a person may seem foolish and strange, but they are convinced that they are doing the right things to avoid being caught. Delusions arise due to an underlying mental or neurological problem. If a person has a delusion that their spouse is having an extramarital affair, no amount of proof or convincing is enough to make them believe that their spouse is innocent.


If you see a person behaving strangely or responding to stimuli that are not visible, you can safely assume they are experiencing hallucinations. Hallucinations are false perceptions that occur in the absence of any stimuli. Most hallucinations are auditory and visual in nature, with the person hearing sounds and seeing images that are not visible to anyone else. A person experiencing hallucination may talk to someone as if they are responding to them, even if no one is present. Hallucinations are common in people taking drugs like LSD, which are known to induce hallucination symptoms. People taking LSD believe they become responsive to greater consciousness, even though they actually start experiencing hallucinations. Victims of this mental disorder can hear familiar and unfamiliar voices when no one else can. Symptoms of hallucination are found in patients with schizophrenia and those who are considered psychotic by doctors.

Key Takeaways

  • Delusions and hallucinations are both mental disorders with underlying neurological problems but have different symptoms and effects.
  • Delusions are false beliefs guiding a person’s behavior, such as delusions of grandeur and persecution, which make a person believe they are supernatural or being spied on for nefarious purposes.
  • Hallucinations are auditory and visual perceptions experienced by a person without any external stimulus being present, and patients may suddenly start to hear familiar or unfamiliar voices.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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