Distinguishing Leek from Spring Onion

Leek vs Spring Onion

Most people enjoy the aroma and flavor of onions but do not appreciate their pungent nature, which often causes tears when onions are being peeled or cut. There are many different onion varieties belonging to the allium genus, including spring onions, or salad onions. These onions are popular in Chinese cuisine and have a similar appearance to leeks. This article aims to clarify the differences between spring onions and leeks.

Key Takeaways

  • Spring onions have hollow green leaves and a bulb that serves as a root; both the bulb and leaves can be eaten.
  • Leeks have a sheath of leaves under the ground and only the bundle of leaves above the ground is consumed; they are larger and have a milder flavor than spring onions.
  • Spring onions are more common in Chinese cuisine, while leeks are more commonly used in Italian cuisine.

Spring Onion

Spring onions are edible plants that belong to the Allium species. Their main characteristic is their hollow green leaves and a bulb that serves as a root underground. These onions are known worldwide for their flavor and aroma. They have a milder smell than red onions and are more versatile, as they can be eaten raw in salads, used in soups and curries, and even included in sandwiches. Spring onions are smaller than red onions, but unlike red onions, which only use the bulb, both the leaf and bulb of spring onions are used. Spring onions also take much less time to cook, making them popular in many cuisines, such as Chinese cuisine.


Leeks are vegetables that belong to the same family of flowering plants as onions and garlic. Leeks are edible plants, although only the bundle of leaves above the ground is consumed. Unlike onions and spring onions, which have a bulb underground, leeks have a sheath of leaves under the ground, which is cut before it is sold in the market. Though leeks taste like onions, they are crunchier. Leeks are commonly used in Italian cuisine, as they, along with celery and carrots, make a good base for curries, stews, and soups. When cooking, only the white part of the leeks is used, although the entire leek can be used when it is young and tender.

Difference between Leek and Spring Onion

  • The edible part of a leek lies above the ground, whereas, in the case of a spring onion, even the bulb that remains underground is consumed.
  • Leeks are larger than spring onions.
  • Leeks have a much milder flavor than spring onions.
  • Spring onions are an integral part of Chinese cuisine, whereas leeks are more commonly used in Italian cuisine.
Dmitri Ivanov
Dmitri Ivanovhttps://whats-different.com
Dmitri Ivanov, a writer and managing editor, was educated in Canada and holds a BS in Science. Dmitri loves doing research, writing, and teaching various courses.


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