Understanding the Difference Between Teaching Methods & Teaching Strategies

What are Teaching Methods?

Teaching methods encompass the principles and management guidelines used in a classroom setting. These methods can vary based on factors such as the subject being taught, the number of students in a class, and individual learning styles. Teachers may use a combination of teaching methods tailored to the needs of their specific class. The goals of teaching methods can also differ from one course to another. The two primary methods used by most teachers are the learner-centered method and the teacher-centered method.

In the learner-centered method, students take on a more active role, while the teacher acts as a facilitator. Conversely, in the teacher-centered method, the teacher plays an active role, and the students become passive learners. Other teaching methods used in classroom settings include content-focused methods, interactive methods, flipped classrooms, gamification, and cooperative learning. The use of effective and successful teaching methods can lead to improved student performance in the class.

What are Teaching Strategies?

Teaching strategies are the approaches and techniques that teachers use to deliver course content to their students. Generally, teaching strategies focus on achieving the goals and objectives of the lessons. Teachers can use different teaching strategies based on factors such as the subject, class size, and the students’ level of appropriacy. The strategies used for lessons may vary from one to another.

Along with teaching strategies, teachers may create class activities to enhance student engagement and practice different skills. Skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making can be developed through the use of effective and appropriate teaching strategies in the class.

What is the Difference Between Teaching Methods and Teaching Strategies?

The primary difference between teaching methods and teaching strategies lies in their focus: teaching methods refer to the approaches used in presenting and delivering the lesson, while teaching strategies refer to the methods used to achieve the objectives and goals of the lessons. Additionally, teaching methods concentrate on the types of activities used in the teaching process, while teaching strategies emphasize the methods used to facilitate student learning. Although learner styles are not typically considered in teaching methods, they play an important role in teaching strategies.

Summary – Teaching Methods vs Teaching Strategies

The key distinction between teaching methods and teaching strategies is that teaching methods involve the approaches and principles used in presenting subject matter to students, while teaching strategies focus on the methods teachers use to achieve the goals and objectives of the lessons. Employing appropriate teaching methods and strategies can lead to effective learning for students in the class.

1. “Teaching Methods Overview.” Faculty Center, University of Central Florida.
2. “Teaching Methods.” Teach.
3. “Teaching Methodologies – Meaning and Definition.” Teachmint.
Image Courtesy:1. “Man-teacher-training-businesss” (CC0) via Pixabay

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Key Takeaways

  • Teaching methods refer to the principles and guidelines used in a classroom setting, while teaching strategies are the approaches and techniques used to deliver course content to students.
  • Teaching methods focus on the types of activities used in the teaching process, whereas teaching strategies emphasize the methods used to facilitate student learning and achieve lesson objectives.
  • Appropriate teaching methods and strategies can lead to effective learning and improved student performance in the class.
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen
Maria Nguyen is a talented writer with a flair for developing captivating content in a range of formats. Her commitment to thorough research and producing top-notch material has contributed to over 4 years of professional writing and editing experience. Outside of work, Maria finds pleasure in solitary activities and immersing herself in nature. Her introspective nature and passion for self-reflection inspire her creativity. She believes that spending time alone and observing the natural world can provide valuable insights and foster personal growth, broadening her perspective as a writer.


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